Wednesday, February 21, 2007

کهن ديارا

کهن ديارا ديار يارا دل از تو کندم ولي ندانم
که گر گريزم کجا گريزم وگر بمانم کجا بمانم
کهن ديارا ديار يارا دل از تو کندم ولي ندانم
که گر گريزم کجا گريزم وگر بمانم کجا بمانم

نه پاي رفتن نه تاب ماندن چگونه گویم درخت خشكم
عجب نباشد اگر تبرزن طمع ببندد در استخوانم
در اين جهنم گل بهشتي چگونه رويد چگونه بويد
من اي بهاران ز ابر نيسان چه بهره گيرم كه خود خزانم

آه اي ديار دور اي سرزمين كودكي من
خورشيد سرد مغرب بر من حرام باد تا آفتاب توست به سرآغاز باورم
اي خاك يادگار اي لوح جاودانه ايام
اي پاك اي زلالتر از آب و آئينه
من نقش خویش را همه جا در تو ديده ام
تا چشم بر تو دارم در خويش ننگرم
اي كاخ زرنگار اي بام لاجوردي تاريخ...

کهن ديارا ديار يارا دل از تو کندم ولي ندانم
که گر گريزم کجا گريزم وگر بمانم کجا بمانم
کهن ديارا ديار يارا دل از تو کندم ولي ندانم
که گر گريزم کجا گريزم وگر بمانم کجا بمانم

Friday, February 16, 2007

Da vinci Code(2)

من يه سؤال دارم! واقعاً به نظر شما چه ضرورتی بوده که داستان به دنيا اومدن مسيح اينقدر پيچيده باشه. ميخوام بپرسم آيا مسيح نميتونسته يه آدم معمولی باشه، مثله بقيه پيامبر ها! و اين همه درد سر هم درست نميشد و اين همه آدم هم سر اين قضيه نميمردن! به نظر شما هدف خدا چی بوده؟ ضرورت اينکه مسيح پدر نداشته باشه چی بوده؟

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Davinci Code

May be a little bit late to speak about the "Da vinci code", But i just saw the movie, then i read the book, and again i saw the movie 2 more times.
Well, the first version of book, had much more than the new book, and also the movie. It was really cool. A real Masterpiece.
That's why NELSON DEMILLE says about Dan Brown "This is pure genius. Dan Brown has to be one of the best, smartest, and most accomplished writers in the country".
Nominated for Grammy and golden glob and some others, the movie was rather successful.
I am reading more and more reviews on book, and i can see that these Christians, specially those from US, are not really happy with the movie. In most of the reviews you see the word FICTION!! with the caps lock on, to show how they are angry with that. I don't know if Jesus got married or not, but at least i liked the dialog of sir Tibing, when he told, " no one changed the history as much as church".
Also it is proven that the zion group, built on 1099, and all of the architectal and paintings and interpretations are true. So what is fiction? just the story of sofia neveu and rober lengdan was fiction, but all discussions and interpretations were not fiction...